T minus 4 days! My room is a mess (actually, it's always a mess...), but it's the good kind of mess right now! (See the attached picture. This is pretty much how my room usually looks, but the clothes don't usually look this neat.) Piles of way too many tightly rolled shirts, my favorite shoes sprinkled with some "sensible walking shoes," dresses I probably won't get a chance to wear, and toiletries galore. I'm worried about not packing enough! I keep reminding myself that I can always buy anything that I forget, but that means more money! I want to save for the fun souvenirs-- not spend it on phone chargers and socks, you feel?
I keep telling everyone that I am "super excited," but it hasn't really hit me that I'm leaving the country yet. I'm sure once it does hit me, I will be excited!
My itinerary so far includes:
Multiple stops in Germany
Going to The Netherlands and Belgium to see our old neighbors and my dad's old colleagues
Visiting Anja in South Germany (the exchange student I had my junior year) and "walking to Switzerland" from her apartment (??!!)
Taking a day trip to Liechtenstein (did you know that's a real country!? It wasn't just made up by Heath Ledger's character in A Knight's Tale. Oops. How neat is that??)
Heading to Berlin with Anja and her family to go to their cousin's Confirmation (my pal JC is the best, amirite?)
Then off to Portugal with my dad
Then, I will be on my way to England to meet up with my peers for a 10-day study abroad experience in London
I am so blessed! Prayers for safe travels are appreciated! I am so glad that my teacher is requiring us to keep a blog because I probably wouldn't have done this on my own, but I am really looking forward to posting daily! I will try my best to take some Time Magazine-quality pictures. I will be taking my phone and my new SnapTouch Polaroid camera. It takes some awesome pictures.
My next post will be coming from Europe (Lord, bless me with lots of wifi)!!

Proverbs 16:9