Day 14
Today was a much more relaxed day. It was Helga's birthday (Anja's mom), so we had to get up before 10 because she decided to have all of...
Day thirteen!
This morning we had a late breakfast (not late enough for me considering Anja and I stayed up so late). Then, Anja and I decided we would...
Day 12
We saw Anja today! We woke up, had breakfast and then left for Singen where Anja lives. It was a 2 hour drive to get to Anja, but it was...
Day eleven
Our last morning in Münster! We woke up and walked the botanical gardens. The garden used to be an old fortress that they have now...
Day 10!
Where is the time going?! We are 1/4 of the way through our trip. This morning I had breakfast with my dad and then got ready for the...
Day 9
Today I had breakfast with my dad before he left for work and then went back to bed! When I woke back up I got ready and then walked...
Day eight
Today began with sleeping in and then breakfast in our hotel. Then, I took a shower and got ready and walked around town. I set my fit...
Day 7!
We woke up!! (Always a good way to start the day.) We decided to take a walk before breakfast, so we walked around Maastricht. Part of...
Day six
We both got to sleep in this morning!! Not a first for me, but a first for my dad! By the time we we ready to leave it was almost lunch...
Day 5
Today we woke up and decided to take a hike before breakfast. We walked over to the Stairs if My Burden and hiked up all 388 steps! (My...